Our Labs

Unparalleled Capabilities

Scentech Medical has built one of the most advanced labs in the world, equipped with some of the most advanced analytical equipment available on the market today, with additional proprietary enhancements develop by the company. The labs include multiple Thermal Desorption Unit’s, multiple Gas Chromographs, multiple mass spectrometers (including a High Resolution Quadrupole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer) and a variety of advanced Ion Mobility spectrometers. Scentech labs are located in Rehovot, Israel, near the Life Science Research Israel Ltd a governmental company and the commercial arm of the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) which has a partnership development agreement with Scentech Medical.

Scentech Medical has unparalleled capabilities for mapping biomarkers in both exhaled breath and liquids.

Scentech Medical’s laboratory, located in Rehovot, Israel, is uniquely suited for mapping biomarkers in exhaled breath thanks to its state-of-the-art equipment and a team of highly skilled researchers. The high-resolution GCMS with thermal desorption unit allows our team to perform analysis on and accurately identify a plethora of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds.

The coronavirus demonstrated that the world is not currently prepared to meet the threat posed by new, highly virulent pathogens. We believe that addressing this deficiency is of critical importance in order to keep the world safe against the coronavirus, its variants, and other pathogens. In order to do so, the world requires an additional protective layer of “Biological Security”. This security layer requires rapid testing of whether a person is infected with a certain pathogen or not. Moreover, the tests must be suitable for crowded areas such as airports, stadiums, shopping centers, and more. Our goal is to make these areas more secure using an advanced technology for early, onsite detection of various pathogens.